HTML5, CSS3 and JAVASCRIPT are the programming languages that power the web. The two function together to form the backbone of the web. Web Development is one of the 10 hottest tech skills and it is no surprise that more than half of all jobs in the top income quartile show significant demand for coding skills, of which HTML5, CSS3 and JAVASCRIPT are the most versatile skillsets.
An HTML form is used to collect user input. The user input is most often sent to a server for processing.
By the end of this module you will learn how to make use of new HTML5 multimedia audio and video elements.
CSS is the language we use to style an HTML document. CSS describes how HTML elements should be displayed. Discover Cascading Style Sheets and its role in visually styling HTML documents. Learn about the use of CSS selectors to target HTML elements, creating external stylesheets for use across multiple pages, and the lowdown on overriding styles. You’ll work with CSS properties and rulesets including units for position and size, the ever-important box model, and its features and pseudo-classes.
this module you will gain insight about JS features and its support across browsers.
In this module you will learn about how to use conditionals in JS.
In this module you will learn about how to use iterative statements and learn the differences between them.
Create named functions, anonymous functions, function expressions, use call, apply and bind to change the context. Create closures to simulate private variables.